Jasper’s Story

Jasper is 15 months old and lives in PNG.   He has a condition similar to cerebral palsy and can’t sit or stand un-aided.   An ex-pat nursing friend living in Alotau contacted us to see if we could help.   We managed to source 12 pieces of CP equipment and two of these were suitable for Jasper’s condition.

A Message from Jasper’s Mum:

Thank you again for your lovely work and assisting Jasper and others with physio equipment.

Here are  a couple of pictures of him in his stander.

He uses his stander everyday and loves being pushed around in it, he often falls asleep in it!

Jasper has definitely benefited from the stander, his legs are stronger, his neck control is getting better and his digestion has improved drastically – not one case of constipation since!